Monday, January 7, 2008


One thing that I value is my body. Some people try to kill their selves. Others hurt their
selves by cutting and hitting their selves on the outside. Still others hurt their insides by
being anorexic and not eating, or by bulimia where they vomit there food up to sta
skinny. I would never do these things.
Another thing I value is my freedom. In some countries women can’t go out unless
accompanied by a male, and only if they have a “hat” on their heads so they can’t be seen. In
some places no matter the sex, the head of that place chooses where you work, who you
work for, and what you are to believe. I love my freedom to choose what I want to do,
who I want to be, where I go and whom with, and most importantly my freedom of
religion. I love being able to express my love for God in the open.
The final thing I value is my family. Some kids are just plain mean to their parents.
I am not saying that I do not yell, or not get mad at them sometimes, but I say, yes
ma’am, no ma’am, and yes sir, no sir when they ask me something. I also do not act like
they do not exist when we are in public. Some kids say how much they hate their
parents and how they wish they would just go away because of their rules. If you think of
it though the world would be a disaster without rules or someone to enforce them.